Nigella's Monster Cookies. Perfect for Halloween debauchery!
Nigella’s Monster Cookies, A Muppets Halloween and King Harvest
Every musician I know has a hilariously mortifying Halloween story. (I’ll save some of mine for a later time.) I didn’t really do Halloween parties in college (too many papers, projects or practicing to do) but I do remember the yelling, the costumes, drunk revellers, and vomit. My freshman year, I remember being at once perplexed and shocked, seeing and hearing girls crying in the bathroom, their makeup running, throwing up over and over again, ruining their white angel costumes (one had a halo over the toilet) or (revealing) pink bunny outfits, wondering how they ended up so trashed in the first place. I felt awful seeing them so sick… and wondering where were their dates who left them in such a state? Trying to reframe, (and breath fresh air), I remember walking outside only to run into a poor guy, gingerly rubbing his date’s back, over and over again, while she was vomiting in the trash can… the two of them, framed by the moonlight, an almost romantic picture if you didn’t hear the awful sound of gurgling and unbridled human waste. Suffice to say, I didn’t quite know how to process it so I did what most musicians do… I practiced the next day.
I feel very fortunate that I have had an outlet to either process or escape to, when life gets a little too unruly. I know not everyone has that luxury or thinks they do not have that choice. Little secret, you do. Sometimes, the greatest art comes from the pain of thinking you have nowhere else to turn or your choices have run out. Everyone has had something devastating happen to them (we’re all human)… but it’s in the process of crawling out of the misfortune that helps determine your character and strength. We all have the strength to become superhuman (with a little nudge). Here’s to unleashing your inner superhero in times of need.
While (finally) returning to our favorite Italian restaurant,“Dancing in the Moonlight” by King Harvest, played overheard while enjoying our pasta. Such a great song and completely unexpected. Like great art, born from distress, the story behind it belies the joyful exuberance it exudes. Here’s to envisioning a better world… or creating art that showcases one, to help us along the way. Warning: It’s pretty graphic.
King Harvest - Dancing In The Moonlight | The story behind the song | Top 2000 a gogo
Finally, everyone knows I LOVE the Muppets. Animal (he knows what he wants) and easy-going Rowlf (big hands and the most calm of the musicians) are my FAVORITES. It’s wonderful seeing a song born from trauma, transforming that pain into something beautiful, bringing happiness to the world. I love how one of those iterations involve the Muppets and Halloween!
Muppets Haunted Mansion | Official Trailer | Disney+
Thanks for reading! I hope this makes you laugh! Happy Halloween! Xo, Melissa

Nigella’s Monster Cookies
by Nigella Lawson
Here's the original link.
1 cup flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
1 cup rolled oats
9 tablespoons butter, at room temperature
½ cup light brown sugar
½ cup superfine sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¾ cup chopped pecans
1 cup M&M's or other sugar-coated candies like Reese's pieces
1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl combine flour, baking powder, salt and rolled oats. Set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer combine butter, light brown sugar and superfine sugar. Beat until creamy. Add egg and vanilla, and beat again until smooth.
2. Add flour mixture to butter mixture, and beat until smooth. By hand, fold in chopped pecans and M&M's.
3. Roll quarter-cup measures of dough into balls and flatten them into fat disks (about 1/2 inch thick). Place on a parchment-lined or greased baking sheet, about 6 at a time, so they have room to spread.
4. Bake until cookies are risen, dry on surface and very lightly browned, 15 to 20 minutes. They will be too soft to lift from baking sheet. Set aside to harden for 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool.
@nigellalawson, #nigellasmonstercookies, #monstercookies, @kingharvest, @muppets, #amuppetshalloween